How To Never Get Angry or Bothered By People? Remember this next time you are angry!

Vaishali Rastogi
4 min readJul 19, 2020


How To Never Get Angry or Bothered By People?
Photo of my own Vaishali Rastogi

There are different fundamentals on why you or I may get angry. For some of us, it can be:

  • If we are not able to accept the changes
  • Our happiness is dependent on others
  • We are doing things unwillingly
  • We are not clear about the vision
  • We have no patience
  • Desire is incomplete
  • Or you are starving yourself :)

We get terribly angry, mostly on our loved ones, and we have a good reason. Maybe because your wife didn’t prepare breakfast or my boyfriend didn’t call me when he is supposed to do this every time. Are we building a wrong perception with this? Think about it.

In today’s age, a doctor knows that anger literally generates poison in our system. If we are poisoning ourselves internally, then, is it fair to do? In fact, we do the most idiotic things in our life when we are angry. Have you ever regret it? When you look back. So think yourself if this is a stupid expression or intelligence to handle situations. Next time when you get angry, ask yourself, “Are there any good ways of handling this? How can you overcome this situation without seeming idiotic?” because, in the end, you are turning the things against you with anger.

At this moment, I can feel you. You can’t help it, right? It is something that keeps coming without our permission, right? Why anger rages? Because something that happening is not what we desire. BUT when you yell or get angry with somebody, do you enjoy that yelling moment or the other person enjoys it? We do not recognize the present or the outcome in the future. We feel this is what we should do at present.

To overcome, we must understand the difference between desire & visionary. Everyone has an obsession. Desire is an incremental way of enhancing our lives like having a house, money, car, luxury, these are a gradual way of rearranging our lives. When you are visionary, then you have a more substantial desire. Desire is me, which is personal, but the vision is all-inclusive. Vision can transform the whole situation. When a person is not like us, we think he/she is the wrong person without understanding the fundamental of two different bodies with two distinct thoughts.

There are joyfully people and miserable people but no good or bad people.

Here the fight is with ourselves. However, there is a situation when you are bothered by another person. Maybe because he/she is teasing you the way they are not supposed to. But WHY they chose you not others. Are you weak? Is there something that they are using as a weapon? Again, the fight turns back to yourself to evaluate yourself and improve to flip the situation.

Human being has never stopped evolving. Life is about change. So to bring more life and keep moving, you have to come out of your comfort zone. Our happiness can be us. For my happiness, it is me to decide whether to poison myself with the anger or just handle it with the intelligence. It is all our mindset what is willingly or what is not! We have control over it that we need to understand. When you can do something about a situation, then why wait, do it! But if you can’t, then WHY worry about it? Time heals everything, but we need to think wisely about the best you can do for that situation.

Issues are complicated when our happiness is dependent on others because we are attached emotionally. Here we should learn how to be strong and independent yet not isolated. When we are emotional, we do not think of logic. Think of a situation as a big picture. Why your loved one did something? Was she or he disturbed already? Think of WHY? When we think of our own, then we become more emotional. Think of others’ points of view, then you will be able to manipulate your emotions. It will help us dominate our feelings. So take a pause for a few minutes then move forward to your action.

Replace your reaction to the action.

One small hack to do is always — ALWAYS keep your sleeping area clean because toxins can play with your neurons.

Give yourself a nice ME-time.

With this, you can be clear about the vision and have the patience for the situation. Think POSITIVE because negative thoughts release cortisol, which can make the situation worse. Your body will flush out all the toxic thoughts & start to heal yourself. Wise thoughts will find ways to handle any job.

There are plenty of self-improvement books you can choose from. These are a great investment. Gift yourself!

Now can you afford to be angry next time or bothered with the situation? When you know that it can harm you and your loved ones. Always remember that it makes you do idiotic things. I want you to know that you have come to this planet to explore and evolve not to waste your life for silly things.

Have a lovely day all your life. Bless you :)



Vaishali Rastogi
Vaishali Rastogi

Written by Vaishali Rastogi

Hi, I am an explorer from a small town having diverse experience. My articles are simple yet deep if you understand. I write about life in layman language. 😊

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